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Quinta A - INGLESE | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Quinta A
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane (sez. economico sociale)
Programma svolto

The Victorian Age

Queen Victoria's reign

The age of optimism and contrast

Life in Victorian Britain

An age of reforms

The Victorian Compromise

The Victorian novel

Charles Dickens: "Oliver Twist" (I want some more); The man "who invented Christmas"

Muhammad Yunus: "Poverty is not created by poor people" (fotocopia)

Global Issue: The problem of starvation in the world

Child labour: Bleak House versus Rosso Malpelo

Pleasant versus unpleasant :Was Victorian life so Indecent?

Children in literature (fotocopia)

Robert Louis Stevenson:"The Strange case of dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde" (A strange accident)

Rudyard Kipling: "The white man's burden" and the controversial nature of colonialism

The Modern Age

From the Edwardian Age to the first World War

The Age of anxiety

The Great depression

The Inter-wars Years (video)

The Second war years (video)


The Modern Novel

The stream of consciousness  on the page and  Interior monologue

The end of the age of optimism

The War Poets

Rupert Brooke:"The Soldier"

James Joyce: "Dubliners"(The structure of the collection,the city of Dublin,Physical and spiritual paralysis, a way to escape:epiphany, the narrative technique

World War II (fotocopia)

Britain after the second world war (The Welfare State, Nationalization of key industries, Collapse of British Empire, Consumerism, Youth Culture) (fotocopia)

George Orwell: "1984" (The object of power is power)

Globalization (fotocopie)

Peace and Conflict: Nelson Mandela

Invalsi: esercizi di Reading comprehension,Listening comprehension  e Use  of English

Uscita didattica : Fascism and Antifascism in Milan  (fotocopie)              



Data ultima modifica: 
08/05/2024 - 18:37
Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
13/05/2024 - 23:00