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Seconda H - Lingua Inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Seconda H
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Linguistico
Lingua Inglese
Fasciano Mariantonietta - Obeng Frank
Programma svolto
Trimestre : settembre-dicembre

Unit 1. Now and Then:  Communicative functions: ask about past habits, talking about past habits, caomparing past and present.

                                         Grammar: Tense revision; present and past. Used to. Indefinite pronouns.

Unit 2. Your money: communicative functions: making choices

                                 Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous. For and Since. Defining relative clauses. Question tags.

Unit 3. Techie life: communicative functions: talking about how to operate things and expressing purpose

                                 Grammar: Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous. Non-defining relative clauses. Infinitive of purpose.

Unit 4. Town and around:   communicative functions: Agreeing, disagreeing and contradicting people.

                                           Grammar: Zero and First conditionals. Modal verbs of deduction. Degree modifiers.

Pentamestre : gennaio-giugno

Unit 5. Healthy body and mind: communicative functions: talking about health

                                                    Grammar: Second conditional. Modal verbs of advice. Other expressions for giving advice.

Unit 6. Crime doesn't pay: communicative functions: Arguing 

                                  Grammar Past Perfect. Past Perfect vs Past Simple. Third conditional. Expressing disapproval and regret in the past

Unit 7. Our Planet:  communicative functions: asking for repetition and clarification. Restating what has been said.

                                 Grammar: The Gerund and the Infinitive. The and zero article. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns.

Unit 8. Art and beauty: communicative functions: describing things and processes.

                                     Grammar: The Passive (present simple and past simple). Ability in the past. Have/get something done. 

Unit 9. Animals and us: communicative functions: sympathising. 

                                  Grammar: The Passive (all tenses). Modal verbs of deduction in the past. Passive: sentences with two objects.

Unit 10. My media:   communicative functions: Expressing facts and opinions.

                                  Grammar: Say and Tell. Reported speech. Reported questions. Linkers of cause and result.

Unit 11. The way I feel: communicative functions: Expressing facts and opinions

                                   Grammar:causative verbs. Verbs of perception. Let and allow. 

Con il docente di conversazione sono stati affrontati diversi argomenti tratti dal libro di testo "Going Global ". 

Attività e testi: 

 Libri in adozione: Spiazzi, Tavella,Layton " Performer B1 two" Ed. Zanichelli.

,Attività: utilizzo di materiali multimediali come video, audio; presentazioni in classe ; uso del laboratorio per vedere filmati e svolgere attività di ascolto, come anche svolgere esercizi interattivi su piattaforma web;  visione di opere teatrali in lingua originale 

Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
06/06/2024 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
05/06/2024 - 23:54