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Quarta L - Lingua e Civiltà Inglese | 2023-2024

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Email: mipm11000d@istruzione.it  – PEC mipm11000d@.pec.istruzione.it

Programma svolto

Quarta L
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Linguistico
Lingua e Civiltà Inglese
Paola Mancuso - Frank Obeng
Programma svolto
Settembre - Giugno

From the Puritan Age to the Romantic Age

Historical and Social Background

Charles I and the Civil War.

Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth. The Restoration

The Augustan Age Literary Background

Puritan and Restoration Literature

English Poetry in the 17th century

John Milton - Paradise Lost - Satan's Speech (text analysis)

The Age of Reason

Historical and Social Background

Queen Anne

The Early Hannoverians

Newspapers and coffeehouses

The Rise of the Novel 

Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe: I was very seldom idle - Man Friday (text analysis)

Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels:  The Inventory - The projectors (text analysis)  and A Modest Proposal (text analysis)

The Romantic Age

Historical and Social Background  

An Age of Revolutions: American Revolution - French Revolution - Industrial Revolution

The Napoleonic wars

George IV - William IV

The Gothic Novel 

Mary Shelley: Frankenstein

Romantic poets: A new sensibility - Sublime -  Man and Nature 

William Blake:  The Lamb -  The Chimney Sweeper (text analysis)

William Wordsworth: Daffodils (text analysis)  Steps of poetic composition

Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (part 2 and 7)  (text analysis)

Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice

Dal libro di testo in adozione  Ray Norris:  Ready for First (Macmillan) con il docente di conversazione

Unit 7. Value for money. Present Perfect simple and Present Perfect Continuous. Expressing preferences.  Phrasal verbs. 

Unit 8. Up and away. The future and time linkers. Essay. The article.

Unit 9. Mistery and imagination: Modal verbs for speculation and deduction. Question tags. Contrast linkers.

Unit 10 Nothing but the truth: Passives.

Unit 11 What's on Earth is going on?  Too/enough - Conditionals


Attività e testi: 

Testi in adozione: 

Marina Spiazzi -Marina Tavella - Margaret Layton   Performer Heritage  From the Origins to the Romantic Age   Ed. Zanichelli

Ray Norris  Ready for First  Macmillan

Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
06/06/2024 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
23/05/2024 - 19:57