Prima C - Inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Prima C
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane
Parmigiani Angelica
Programma svolto
Anno Scolastico 2023-2024 Novembre - Giugno

Sono state svolte le Units  dalla 1 alla 7  con funzioni linguistiche e strutture grammaticali:

Welcome Unit:

Grammar: Be; Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives; Question words; Have got; Possessive case; Possessive pronouns; Articles: definite and indefinite; Plural nouns; This, that, these, those; There is, There are; Some, any; Prepositions of time; The time; Past simple: be; Object pronouns; Imperatives; Can for ability, possibility, permission and requests; Must for obligation and prohibition; Prepositions of place.

Vocabulary: Countries and nationalities Physical appearance The bedroom and personal possessions Days, months, seasons; numbers and dates  Places in town and directions 

Language functions: Asking for and giving personal information Talking about appearance and possessions Describing places and things Talking about time Asking for and giving directions

Units 1-3:

Grammar:  -Present simple; Adverbs and expressions of frequency; Verbs of like and dislike + -ing;  Present continuous; Adjective order; Present simple vs present continuous ; Countable and uncountable nouns; Some, any, no; How much? How many?; A lot of / Lots of, much, many, (a) little, (a) few; Too much, too many, (not) enough

Vocabulary: Daily routine; Free-time activities; clothes and accessories; Shops and shopping; foods and drink; Containers and quantities

Language functions: Talking about habits and routines; talking about free-time activities; expressing likes and dislikes; making arrangements; talking about clothes and style

Units 4-6: 

Grammar:  Past simple: regular and irregular verbs; Past time expressions; Double genitive Past simple: modal verbs; Subject and object questions; Adverbs of manner Past continuous; Past simple vs past continuous;

Vocabulary: Family; Celebrations; Sports; Sports equipment;  Films and TV series; Music;

Language functions:  Reacting to information Talking about ability and possibility Expressing opinions

Unit 7:

Grammar:   Comparisons of majority and minority; Comparisons of (in)equality; Superlatives

Vocabulary:  Personality; Feelings and emotions

Attività e testi: 

Performer B1 Phases Volume One  Zanichelli 

Testo in uso e materiali multimediali

Lezione frontale e problem solving

Lavoro di gruppo e di coppia (peer learning)

Verifiche e valutazione applicazione e continuita’ nello studio

Verifiche di recupero in itinere sia scritte che orali


Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
06/06/2024 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
24/05/2024 - 21:44