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I criteri di valutazione sono quelli indicati nel POF di Classe.
From the Origins to the end of the Middle Ages
History and Culture:
- From Pre- Celtic to Roman Britan;
- Anglo-Saxon - Vikings;
- The Norman Conquest;
- Anarchy and Henry Plantagenet;
- From Magna Carta to the Peasant's Revolt.
Literary Context:
-The Anglo-Saxon Poetry;
- Beowulf - Beowulf and Grendel the fight (text analysis); Beowulf's funeral (text analysis);
- Minstrels, Knights and Pilgrims;
- Medieval ballads (Lord Randall);
- Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales; General Prologue, The Wife of Bath, The Prioress.
The Renaissance and the Age of Shakespeare
History and Culture:
- End of The Hundred years' War - The War of the Roses;
- The Early Tudors;
- Elizabeth I.
Literary Context:
- Renaissance and New Learning;
- William Shakespeare
-The sonnet: Shall I compare Thee - My Mistress' Eyes (text analysis)
- The development of Drama:
The Globe theatre
- Hamlet;
- Macbeth;
- The Merchant of Venice.
Preparazione First Certificate e consolidamento grammaticale, dal libro Ready for First, con il docente di conversazione:
Unit 1. Lifestyle – Habitual behaviour; tend to; frequency adverbs; used to and would. Vocabulary: Lifestyle; Get: expressions and meanings. Writing: Informal letter
Unit 2. High Energy. Indirect ways of asking questions. Gerunds and infinitives. Vocabulary: music, sport. Writing: Letter of application.
Unit 3. A change for the better? Comparisons; articles. Vocabulary: Technology. Writing: Essay
Unit 4. A good story. So and such. Past tenses. Vocabulary: films. Take: expressions and phrasal verbs. Writing: Review/Report
Unit 5: Doing what you have to. Obligation, necessity and permission; the world of work. Writing: essay
Unit 6: Relative relationships. Defining - non defining relative clauses. Writing Article/email.
Unit 7: Value for money: Present Perfect Simple. Present Perfect Continuos.
Liceo Statale 'Carlo Tenca'
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