P. I. 80126370156 Cod. Mecc. MIPM11000D
Bastioni di Porta Volta,16–20121 Milano
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C. F. 80126370156 - Cod. Mecc. MIPM11000D
Email: – PEC
Multiple focus approach, safe and enriching learning environment, authenticity (connection between learning and life), active learning, scaffolding, cooperation. The evaluation is the result of the clil criteria for methodology, based on the 4 Cs: content, communication, cognition and culture.
I criteri di valutazione sono quelli indicati nel POF di Classe.
First period (5 hours)
England after the Norman conquest, Thomas Becket and King Henry II of England, Magna Charta Libertatum. The first philosophers: the Presocratics. Democritus and Hippocrates. Eros in the Platonic dialogues.
Second period (8 hours)
The English reformation and the Elizabethan age, Levellers and diggers, Civil Wars: power, religion and republican ideals. Happiness like a true value. The forms and aims of discussions.
Liceo Statale 'Carlo Tenca'
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