P. I. 80126370156 Cod. Mecc. MIPM11000D
Bastioni di Porta Volta,16–20121 Milano
Tel. 02.6551606 – Fax 02.6554306
C. F. 80126370156 - Cod. Mecc. MIPM11000D
Email: – PEC
Metodi: lezione frontale, peer to peer learning, bottom-up learning, lezione partecipata, lavoro di gruppo.
Strumenti di lavoro: libro di testo, video, film, fotocopie, schede di lavoro.
Strumenti di verifica: verifiche formative e sommative scritte e orali, presentazioni.
I criteri di valutazione sono quelli indicati nel POF di Classe.
Ripasso grammaticale:
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple (verbi regolari e irregolari)
Subject/ object questions
Past Continuous
Dal testo del 1° anno:
Unit 8-Household chores, funzioni linguistiche: offrire il proprio aiuto, parlare delle faccende domestiche e delle parti della casa, present perfect, present perfect with ever and never, past simple vs present perfect, present perfect with just, already and yet,
Unit 9- The world of work, funzioni linguistiche: parlare di intenzioni, be going to: future intentions, be going to for predictions based on present evidence, will
Unit 10-Travelling, funzioni linguistiche: fare programmi di viaggio, present continuous as future, present simple as future, future: round-up, either or /neither nor,
Unit 11-The weather, funzioni linguistiche: descrivere il mondo naturale, chiedere e dare informazioni sul tempo atmosferico, zero and first conditionals, may, might, so, such
Unit 12- Teaching and learning/ funzioni linguistiche: Essere d'accordo o in disaccordo, dress code, must, mustn’t, have to, not have to, use of have to/ not have to, needn’t vs mustn’t,
Dal testo del 2° anno:
Unit 1. Living the life: Tense revision; present and past. Used to. Indefinite pronouns.
Unit 2. My places :Present Perfect Continuous. For and Since. Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous. Modal verbs of deduction.
Unit 3. Money doesn't grow on trees: Defining relative clauses. Non-defining relative clauses.
Unit 4. Healthy body, healthy mind: Zero and Frist conditional. Second conditional. Modal verbs of advice.
Unit 5. Do the right thing: Past Perfect. Past Perfect vs Past Simple. Third conditional.
Unit 6. News is a snap: Say and Tell. Reported speech: sttements. Reported speech: questions.
Liceo Statale 'Carlo Tenca'
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