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I criteri di valutazione sono quelli indicati nel POF di Classe.
Preparazione al B2 FIRST (FCE) - testo adottato : Panoramic B2 - Oxford
UNIT 7 Solutions : Definining and non-defining relative clauses
UNIT 8 Words: Reported speech - Media and the news
UNIT 9 Theories : The passive - Fear
UNIT 10 Branding : Structure with infinitive - purpose clauses - Branding
UNIT 11 Lifestyles: Have/ get something done - lifestyle phrasal verbs - relationships
UNIT 12 Character: Second conditional and third conditional - character traits
Letteratura : Performer Heritage (From the Origins to the Romantic Age)- Zanichelli
From the Puritan Age to the Augustan Age
Historical and Social Background
Charles I and the Civil War.
Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth. The Restoration
The Augustan Age
Literary Background
Puritan and Restoration Literature
English Poetry in the 17th century : John Milton - Paradise Lost
The Age of Classicsm
Newspapers and coffee-houses
The Rise of the Novel
Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe - "Man Friday "
The Romantic Age
Historical and Social Background
An Age of Revolutions
The Gothic Novel - Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Romantic poets: A new sensibility
William Blake: The Lamb and The Tyger
William Wordsworth: Daffodils
Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Percy Bysshe Shelley : Ode to the West Wind
John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn
Jane Austen: "Pride and Prejudice"
Liceo Statale 'Carlo Tenca'
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