P. I. 80126370156 Cod. Mecc. MIPM11000D
Bastioni di Porta Volta,16–20121 Milano
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C. F. 80126370156 - Cod. Mecc. MIPM11000D
Email: – PEC
Attività e metodologie: lezione frontale partecipata, group-work, presentazioni in classe, ascolto di dialoghi prodotti da madrelingua in situazioni tipiche e attività per favorire l’apprendimento
informale (visione di video in lingua sottototolati e non, giochi, canzoni, role plays).
Creating a brand (logo, name, history, brand image, testimonial, social, distribution)
I criteri di valutazione sono quelli indicati nel POF di Classe.
Present simple to Be, imperatives, Can, subject/Object pronouns, this/that, have got, there is/are, plural nouns, possessive ‘s, possessive adjectives, articles, some/any, present continuous, present simple vs. continuous, verbs of perception, state verbs, countable/uncountable nouns, much, many, a lot of, too much/many/ not enough/possessive adjectives/ pronouns, whose and possessive ‘s, infinitive of purpose, past simple be, past simple regular/irregular verbs, past continuous, comparative/superlative adjectives, can ability, be going to for intentions, present continuous for arrangements, will to express beliefs about the present or future, to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do. to make promises, offers and requests.
Greetings and introductions, describing objects, agreeing/disagreeing, buying things, ordering food, asking for permission, expressing emotions, talking about past events, talking about ability, inviting and making arrangements.
Personal information, countries and nationalities, classroom objects, preposition of place, number, days, dates, everyday objects, adjectives, hobbies, free time activities, money, prices shops, clothes food, drink, adjectives to talk about food, familymembers, feelings, parts of the house, furniture, -ed/-ing adjectives, friend/friendship, human body, seasons, past time expressions, animals, geographical features, the weather, places/things in town.
Liceo Statale 'Carlo Tenca'
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