Quarta H - Inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Quarta H
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Linguistico
Pessina Cristina, Obeng Frank
Programma svolto
Settembre - Giugno

Dal testo " Literary Journeys" di Arturo Cattaneo Volume 1, Signorelli Scuola 

From The Restoration and the 18th century.:

The Augustan Age, The Rise of the Middle Class, The Rise of the novel

Daniel Defoe : early life,the novelist,the father of modern journalism, Robinson Crusoe con readings : My name is Robinson,Robinson's Account,Robinson and Friday

Jonathan Swift : life, the brilliant satirist,Gulliver's Travels, con reading A Modest Proposal 

Samuel Richardson : life, Richardson's revolution, Richardson's historical importance, Pamela con reading Pamela's first letter

The Age of Revolution and the Romantics 

The American Revolution,The French Revolution and The Industrial Revolution

Romantic Poetry and Romantic themes

William Blake : life, A revolutionary artist, Blake's style, Sons of Innocence and of Experience con readings : The Lamb and The Tyger,The Chimney Sweeper

William Wordsworth : life, friendship with Coleridge, Lake District, The Lyrical Ballads,Nature con readings : I Wandered lonely as a cloud, The Solitary Reaper

Samuel Taylor Coleridge : life, the demonic poems, Coleridge importance, The Rime of The Ancient Mariner con readings : It is an Ancient Mariner, A Sadder and a Wiser Wiser Man.

Percy Bysshe Shelley :life, the Italian years, Shelley's Lyrics,The poet as prophet con reading Ode to the West Wind

John Keats: life, Odes and Ballads,The cult of beauty, Keats'style con readind : Ode on a Grecian Urn,

Dal testo : " Venture into First" di  Michael Duckworth,Kathy Gude e Jenny Quintana , Oxford sono stati affrontati tutte le parti del writing, dello Use of English  del First dalla unità  7 alla 12 .

Unit 7 : Health and fitness, reading and use of english

Unit 8 : Risk and danger, readng and use of english, 

Unit  9 : Music, reading and use of english

Unit 10 : Give and take, reading, use of english, 

Unit 11 : Art and fashion, reading and use of english

Unit 12 : Technology and innovation, reading and use of english

Con il collega madrelingua sono stati affrontati altri 7 tests in preparazione all'esame del first

Attività e testi: 

" Literary Journeys " di A. Cattaneo, volume 1, Signorelli Scuola

" Venture into First di Michael Duckworth, Kathy Gude e Jenny Quintana, Oxford

Materiali tratti dalla rete e dai siti specializzati

Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
06/06/2024 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
30/05/2024 - 19:52