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Seconda L - Lingua e civiltà inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Seconda L
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Linguistico
Lingua e civiltà inglese
Paola Mancuso - Frank Obeng
Programma svolto
Settembre - Giugno

Unit 1 Now and then: communicative functions: ask about past habits, talking about past habits, caomparing past and present. Grammar: tense revision, Present Simple, Past Simple, Used to, Indefinite pronouns.

Unit 2 Your money: communicative functions: making choices. Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous, for and since, defining relative clauses, question tags.

Unit 3 Techie life: communicative functions: talking about how to operate things and expressing purpose. Grammar: Present perfect Simple vs present Perfect continuous, NON defining relative clauses, infinitive of purpose.

Unit 4 Town and around: communicative functions: Agreeing, disagreeing and contradicting people. Grammar: Zero and first conditional, when, unless, as soon as, before, after, until, modal verbs of deduction, degree modifiers.

Unit 5 Health body and mind: communicative functions: talking about health. Grammar: Second conditional, Modal verbs of advice - should-ought to- had better - other expresssions for giving advice.

Unit 6 Crime doesn't pay: communicative functions: Arguing. Grammar: Past  Perfect, Past perfect vs past simple, Third conditional, expressing disapproval and regret in the past.

Unit 7 Our Planet: communicative functions: asking for repetition and clarification. Restating what has been said.Grammar: Verbs followed by gerund and or infinitive, The and zero article, reflexive and reciprocal pronouns.

Unit 8 Art and beauty: communicative functions: describing things and processes. Grammar: The passive voice (past simple and present simple), ability in the past, have/get something done.

Unit 9 Animals and us: communicative functions: sympathising. Grammar: The Passive voice all tenses, modal verbs of deduction in the past, passive: sentences with two objects.

Unit 10 My media communicative functions: Expressing facts and opinions. Grammar: say and tell, reported speech, reported questions, linkers of cause and result.

Unit 11 The way I feel: communicative functions: asking, giving and refusing permission. Grammar: causative verbs make -get -have-let, let and allow.

Unit 12 The world I dream of: communicative functions: expressing wishes. Grammar: wish - make and do.

  • attività di riordino e trasformazione di frasi
  • descrizione di immagini
  • esercizi di ascolto finalizzati a domande di comprensione
  • attività di lettura con esercizi a scelta multipla
  • attività di summarizing
  • presentazioni in classe 

Con il docente di conversazione sono stati analizzati e discussi, con gli studenti, vari argomenti tratti dal libro di testo "Going Global"

Attività e testi: 

Libri in adozione: Spiazzi, Tavella,Layton " Performer B1 two" Ed. Zanichelli. 

Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
06/06/2024 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
23/05/2024 - 20:04