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Quinta C - Lingua e Cultura Inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Quinta C
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane
Lingua e Cultura Inglese
Angelica Giannelli
Programma svolto

The Victorian Age 

  • Historical and social background 
  •  Charles Dickens: life, works
  • The workhouses
  • Oliver Twist: plot, settings, themes, Text analysis: “Oliver is taken to the workhouse" p.62, “Oliver asks for more” p. 64
  • Hard Times: plot, settings, themes, Text analysis: "Coketown" p.69
  •  The Victorian Age – Aestheticism
  •  Oscar Wilde’s life and works
  • The Importance of Being Earnest: plot, themes and characters, text analysis: “When the girls realise they are both engaded to Ernest” p.126.
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray: plot, themes and characters, text analysis: " I would give my soul for that" (Photocopy). “The Preface”. (Photocopy)

The Modern Age:

  • Historical and social background
  • War Poets: Rupert Brooke: text analysis of the poem “the soldier” p.208
  • Sigfried Sasoon: text analysis of the poem “Suicide in the trenches” (Photocopy)
  • Modernism
  • James Joyce: life, works
  • Dubliners: plot, themes and characters, text analysis of selected excerpts from  Eveline p.239 and The Dead “I think he died for me” p.243, “the living and the dead” p.246 
  • Joseph Conrad: life, works
  • Heart of Darkness: plot, themes and characters, text analysis of selected excerpts “The Devil of Colonialism” p. 184, “Marlow meets Kurts” p. 186
  • G. Orwell: life, works
  • The Dystopian Novel.
  • 1984: plot, themes and characters, text analysis of selected excerpts “Big brother is watching you” p.306, “Wiston and Julia are finally caught” p. 308
  • T.S Eliot: life, works
  • The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, text analysis of selected excerpts p.222


Data ultima modifica: 
04/05/2024 - 22:15
Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
13/05/2024 - 23:00