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Quinta O - Inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Quinta O
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Musicale e Coreutico (sez. musicale)
Paola Ghilardelli
Programma svolto

Partendo dal contesto storico, sociale e letterario dei vari periodi sono stati introdotti i alcuni autori con brani tratti dalle loro opere analizzando temi e tematiche, stili etc.

 Amazing Minds 1

Capitolo 4: The Romantic Age: Prose and fiction

Gothic Novel: M. Shelley Frankenstein;

Short Story: E.A Poe – The Tell-Tale Heart

Amazing Minds 2

Capitolo 5: The Victorian Age:

The life and reign of Queen Victoria; The Victorian compromise; Victorian thinkers (Bentham, Mill, Darwin); Life in Victorian London, in Victorian towns and in Britain; Leisure, Amusements, fashion and Victorian Christmas; Westminster Palace and the Parliament; The building of the railway; The British Empire; Work: factories, children exploitation, workhouses; Victorian education; The reforms; The role of women; Crime and violence; Great Exhibition.

Fiction: Victorian novelists:

C. Dickens: Hard Times (Nothing but facts, Coketown)

R.L. Stevenson: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

O. Wilde: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Preface and last chapter)


Capitolo 6: The Age of Anxiety

Britain at the turn of the century: The First World War; Between the Wars; The Second World War and after.

Literary Background: Modernism; Experimentation in poetry; The War poets; Stream of consciousness;

R. Brooke: The Soldier

W. Owen: Dulce et Decorum Est

W.B. Yeats: Easter 1916 (the Irish Question)

T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land (The Burial of the dead – What the thunder said)

Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness (building of a railway)

J. Joyce:  The Dubliners (Eveline, The Dead)

                 Ulysses (Molly’s speech)

V. Woolf: Mrs Dalloway



Non – fiction: Political speeches

W.Churchill: the speech to the House of Commons (Blood, toil, tears and sweat)

King George VI: the King’s speech


American Literature:

E. Hemingway: Farewell to Arms: There is nothing worse than war


Il romanzo distopico

G.Orwell: 1984 (The object of power is power)


Capitolo 7: Towards a Global Age

Modern Drama: The theater of the Absurd

Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot


Libri di testo preparazione First: Venture Into First - Unità dalla 9 alla 12:

  • topic and vocabulary: music, technology, money and economics, art.


Data ultima modifica: 
06/05/2024 - 18:51
Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
13/05/2024 - 23:00