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Quinta P - Tecnologie Musicali - CLIL | 2023-2024

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Quinta P
Mario Barbuti
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo Musicale e Coreutico (sez. musicale)
Disciplina/e coinvolta/e: 
Tecnologie Musicali
Contenuti disciplinari

CLIL module1 - What is a synthesizer?

Lesson 1:
Warm up: work in small groups, discuss about two pictures and answer at two questions about modern music and electronic instruments.
Reading and use of english part 1.
Vocabulary: exercise 1: match words to definitions.

Lesson 2:
Homework correction.
Listening: Dr. Bob Moog demonstrates the Minimoog
Reading and Use of English: History of the Voltage-Controlled Synthesizer.

Lesson 3 - Reading and Use of English
Exercise b. Read the text and fill the gaps 1-10 with the words below.
Speaking and Writing
1) Discuss in pair about the use of the term "synthesis" in other contexts than music;
2) Write a text (140-190 words).


CLIL module2 – The Invention of Ambient Music: A Quiet Revolution

Lesson 1:

Warm up: Listening and Speaking:

  • While listening to this music, answer the following questions

Reading and Use of English part1:

  • Quickly read the text “The birth of a new genre” and answer the question
  • Read the text again and answer the questions
  • Scan the text again, and look for the synonyms of the words below.
  • Match verbs to definitions

Lesson 2:

Listening: “A Quiet Revolution”

Work in pairs: discuss with a classmate about the soothing power of music before significative events in your life

Use of English: write down a small paragraph using at least three expressions in the text

Lesson 3:

Reading and Use of English part2 “Two voices on the way to ambient music”:

Critical writing and summary


Modello operativo

insegnamento gestito dal docente di disciplina

Metodologia di lavoro



A coppie

In piccoli gruppi

Peer tutoring e cooperative learning

Risorse (materiali e sussidi

Dispense e materiali multimediali forniti dal docente

Modalità e strumenti di verifica
In itinere

Warm up.

Reading and use of english.


Speaking and Writing


Write a text (140-190 words)

Critical writing and Summary

Modalità e strumenti di valutazione

Formativa (durante le singole fasi) e sommativa alla fine del modulo. Per la valutazione sommativa utilizzo di griglia (Clil Report Card) in cui si considerano come indicatori le 4 “C” della metodologia CLIL :

Conoscenza (Content)

Capacità di analisi/sintesi (Cognition)

Competenza linguistica (Communication, soprattutto vocabulary)

Capacità critica (Culture/Citizenship)

Modalità di recupero
Proposta di uno scritto sugli argomenti trattati nel modulo didattico.
Data ultima modifica: 
08/05/2024 - 12:01
Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
13/05/2024 - 23:00