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Quinta M - Filosofia - CLIL | 2023-2024

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Quinta M
Daniela Anselmi
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane
Disciplina/e coinvolta/e: 
Già esistente
Brani d'autore selezionati da opere filosofiche, video in rete, materiale fotocopiabile da testi vari, brani da riviste digitali
Contenuti disciplinari

1. Presentation of different types of text and tools: semplified, using scaffolding, integrated and academic. Revision of some topics of the posthegelian philosophy: marxism and positivism.

2. Philosophy regarding progress and society: Marx and Engels. “Manifesto of the Communist Party”: introduction and Chapter IV. Video and exercises.

3. Philosophy regarding progress and society: Positivism of the XIX century. Comte and the law of the three stages. Brain storming, discussion, exercises.

4. Philosophy of the Science. Neopositivism: main features and the differences with Karl Popper. Epistemology of the XX century in comparison. Schedule about Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend.

5. Nietzsche and Heidegger: continuity and differences. Heidegger’s resolute Dasein. Short texts and questions.

Modello operativo

Docente esterno alla classe in orario compatibile in presenza del titolare di filosofia

Metodologia di lavoro

multiple focus approach, safe and enriching learning environment, authenticity, active learning, cooperation

Risorse (materiali e sussidi

Testi selezionati dal web, video, fotocopie

Modalità e strumenti di verifica
In itinere

Esercizi, dialogo libero, correzione compiti, riflessioni personali

Modalità e strumenti di valutazione

Reading and summerizing information, practicing language skills, interpreting primary sources, analysing, comparing and contrasting.

workshop type activities were built in order to 1. review the key concepts, 2. activate communication and discussion in a foreign language on specific topic, 3. understand the relationship between facts and interpretations of the contemporary reality, 4. identify elements of connection with other subjects.

The evaluation is the result of the clil methodology, based on the 4Cs: content, communication, cognition and culture

Modalità di recupero
Non presenti
Data ultima modifica: 
22/04/2024 - 21:41
Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
13/05/2024 - 23:00