Prima E - Inglese | 2023-2024

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Programma svolto

Prima E
Indirizzo di studio: 
Liceo delle Scienze Umane (sez. economico sociale)
Pessina Cristina
Programma svolto
Settembre - Giugno

Dal testo Performer B1 Phase sono state svolte le seguenti unità

Unit 1 grammar present simple, vocabulary daily routine free time activities, communication making arrangements

Unit 2 grammar present simple vs continuous, vocabulary clothes and accessories shpo and shopping, communication going shopping

Unit 3 grammar  countable and uncountable nouns some any no e derivati,  vocabulary food and drink, communication ordering food

Unit 4 grammar simple past  regular and irregular verbs, vocabulary family and celebrations  communication reacting to information a modern family

Unit 5 grammar past simple with modal verbs,  vocabulary sports, communication talking about ability and possibility

Unit 6 gramma rpast simple vs past continuous,  vocabulary films andtv series and music, communication expressing opinions

Unit 7 grammar comparisons of majority minority and equality, vocabulary personality personal feelings and emotions communication talking about problems

Unit 8 grammar past simple vs present perfect with just already e yet,  vocabulary household chores parts of the house and furnishings communication offering help

Unit 9 grammar be going to for future intentions and predictions,  vocabulary jobs the world of work, communication talking about hopes and intentions

Unit 10 grammar  present simple as future present continuous as future future round-up, vocabulary holiday and travelling making, communication travel arrangements

Unit 11 grammar zero and first conditional may might, vocabulary the natural world the weather, communication talking about the weather

Unit 12 must have to vocabulary school


Attività e testi: 

Testo usato Performer B 1 Phases Zanichelli

Miniverifiche di consolidamento

Role plays e dialoghi

Uso del laboratorio


Data immodificabilità contenuto: 
06/06/2024 - 23:00
Data ultima modifica: 
02/06/2024 - 18:53